Rohs Opera House

About Us
The Rohs Opera House is the oldest continuous running theater in Kentucky. Started in 1871 as the Aeollian Hall Music Association, the original Opera House was built on the 2nd floor of the current building. H.A. Ross bought Aeollian Hall in 1873 and renamed it the Rohs Opera House. A silent movie projector was eventually added to bring "movies" to Cynthiana. In 1941, the "new" Rohs Opera House was added to the building by H. A. Rohs and his son Karle. These men are the grandfather and great grandfather of the actor Chris O'Donnel. It opened in 1941 with a showing of Down Argentine Way. Ticket price was $.05 for adults.
It is our goal to provide affordable entertainment to Cynthiana and the surrounding area. We offer movies, plays, concerts, comedy, variety shows and much, much more. The Rohs Opera House has also been listed on several "most haunted lists" and is a popular destination for ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts from all around.
While the Rohs Opera House staff and volunteers produce many "live" events each year, the Rohs Theatre Company, a not-for-profit arts powerhouse keeps presentation of live theatre productions in Cynthiana. There is always something happening at the Rohs Opera House in Cynthiana, Kentucky.
The Cynthiana Arts Council has successfully kicked off their downtown mural project with one of the coolest art projects in our town's history! Renowned artist, Odeith, painted the above mural in only 5 days on the extierior of Rohs Opera House (Walnut Street side). The Walking Dead mural is a tribute to the co-creators of the comic series, Tony Moore and Robert Kirkman. Both are natives of Cynthiana, Kentucky and various Cynthiana locations appeared in the first six comic series.